Our main goal is to send all your flower requests to your special (and at times, not so special) people!

You have every say in the request, right down to the actual flowers!

There is different preset catagories to choose from such as Friendship, Love and Secret Admirer however, if none of those fit any feeling you want to convey, you can let us know and we can work together!

Flowers don't descrimate and neither do we! Negative flowers can be sent as well as... the not so safe for work!

Based in GMT/BST

Opening and closing hours can change but will be more or less open from around 12pm to 10pm!

Orders scheduled for specific times will be sent out at that time!

DM requests may be closed frequently to catch up on requests, when you see that, just check back from time to time!

Flower Resource!

A to Z Flowers
Useful site for you to browse flowers and choose your own!

Basic request format!

@ of the recipient(s)
Catagory, Feeling or Flower
Note (If wanted)

If Category or Feeling is difficult to put into words, we can work together to pick the perfect flower for you!

Find me here!